News from the Second Floor
January 27, 2016
The Reference Department here at the Albright Memorial Library is bustling with people from all around. It is exciting to see the wide diversity that comes walking through our doors.
Have you ever heard someone speak another language and want to learn? Here at the Albright Memorial Library we offer a wide variety of ways to help you learn another language, from audiobooks, to movies, and more.
One of my favorite ways to learn is on Mango, an online resource provided by the library just for you. Come up to the second floor, and log onto one of our computers, and right on our website you will find the link for Mango. It is free to sign up, and offers over 70 languages that you can choose from. You can even learn about the different cultures while you are there. The best part is that Mango saves your progress on your account, so you can continue to progress through their lessons at your own pace.
Feel free to ask one of the librarians if you would like to learn more.