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News from the Second Floor-Scranton Public Library

News from the Second Floor-Scranton Public Library

February 12, 2016


                              “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” are strong words written by Nelson Mandela.


The first student to enroll in the  International Correspondence Schools on October 16, 1891 was Thomas Coates of Peckville.  The tremendous success of the International Correspondence Schools was the result of demand, an excellent product, a superb organization , marketing  that looked –ahead and superb advertising..  Without a well-developed mail and parcel post system, no correspondence school could have survived.  ICS was the first in the industry to make use of the Internet for delivering education and training.

For 125 years the International Correspondence Schools has proved the self-propelling of its students in ambition, self-reliance and self-improvement.  It continues to this day known  as Penn Foster.  It is educating over 50,000 students enrolled across 50 states.