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Book Discussions Scheduled for On the Same Page

Book Discussions Scheduled for On the Same Page

March 29, 2016

Community Reading Program Features Landline by Rainbow Rowell

One of the most popular features of “On the Same Page In Lackawanna County” are the book discussions that take place at libraries throughout the county. Once again this year, writer Stephanie Longo will moderate the discussions.

Landline, by Rainbow Rowell, is the 2016 selection for OTSP. The main character, Georgie McCool, finds herself with a magic telephone – magic because it lets her call up the past. And Georgie desperately wants to go back to the past and fix some things.

Library Journal gave Landline a starred review and said of Rowell, reading her work feels like listening to your hilariously insightful best friend tell her best stories.”

 Stephanie Longo is the author of Dunmore and Italians of Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Stop by any Lackawanna County library for a free copy of the book and register for the book discussion. Check the schedule for a time and location that’s convenient for you:

Valley Community Library: Wednesday, April 6 @ 7 P.M.

Taylor Community Library: Thursday, April 7 @ 6:30 P.M.

Carbondale Public Library: Monday, April 11 @ 6:30 P.M.

Albright Memorial Library: Tuesday, April 12 @ 6:30 P.M.

Library Express: Wednesday, April 13 @ 6 P.M.

North Pocono Public Library: Tuesday, April 19 @ 6 P.M.

Abington Community Library: Wednesday, April 20 @ 6 P.M.

Dalton Community Library: Saturday, April 30 @ 10:30 A.M.