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Libby App Accessibility

Libby App Accessibility

June 11, 2020

Libby is now more accessible than ever: 

We’re delighted to announce that Libby is now available in the following languages:
  Simplified Chinese
 Traditional Chinese
Notes about additional languages:
  • If a user’s device is set to one of the languages above, Libby will automatically display in that language. Users can toggle Libby’s display by updating the language setting on their device.
  • From the Curate section of OverDrive Marketplace, you can add translated collection names and descriptions to your library’s curated or automated lists. These translations will automatically appear if the user is browsing Libby in that language.
  • To support this update, we’ve added new multilingual marketing kits to our Resource Center—check them out today!
  • This release does not affect the language of titles offered in your collection.
Additional languages available in Libby.