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News Category: Lackawanna County Library System

The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and Mayor McKune: August 2nd (Series: Part 8)

Due to his injuries, Mayor McKune did not write any correspondence or send any telegrams on August 2, 1877. The First Division of the National Guard under the command of General Brinton, a company of the National Guard under the...
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The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and Robert McKune: August 1st (Series: Part 7)

Only one item exists for August 1st in Mayor McKune’s documents, a telegram from Governor Hartranft informing the Mayor that reinforcements would be in the city soon. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="546"] Pittsburg Pa Aug 1 1877 RH McKune Mayor Troops...
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The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 and Mayor McKune: July 30 (Series: Part 6)

Mayor McKune’s documents on July 30, 1877 show a conflicting account of the day. Many people believed that the situation would remain peaceful, but a letter received by an anonymous source threatened fires being set at local coal mines in...
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Great Railroad Strike of 1877: July 27th (Series: Part 5)

The rising tensions of July 27, 1877 are reflected in the letters and telegrams found in Mayor McKune’s papers. On July 27th, Mayor McKune met with the Brotherhood of Trainmen to discuss a potential return to work. Railway workers, firemen,...
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Great Railroad Strikes of 1877: July 26th (Series: Part 4)

The events of July 26, 1877 focused on preparing for the anticipated clashes between strikers, and the military presence in Scranton. The relatively calm day is reflected in Mayor McKune’s papers though a telegram to Governor Hartranft and letter from...
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Great Railroad Strike of 1877: July 25th (Series: Part 3)

Mayor McKune’s papers related to the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, begin on July 25, 1877 with a proclamation issued by Mayor McKune and a telegram from Governor John F. Hartranft. Railway workers and miners continued to strike and make...
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Great Railroad Strike of 1877: Notable People in Mayor McKune’s Papers (Series: Part 2)

In order to understand Mayor McKune’s papers on the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, the backgrounds of the major figured he corresponded with or about should be examined. Many of the figures are veterans of the Civil War or prominent...
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Lackawanna County Library Board Meeting

The Lackawanna County Library Board will hold a virtual business meeting on Monday, July 13, at 4 PM via GoToMeeting. For connection details, please email
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Lackawanna County Library Board Meeting

The Lackawanna County Library Board will hold a virtual business meeting on Monday, July 13, at 4 PM via GoToMeeting. For connection details, please email
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Camp and Girl Scout Memorabilia on Display at the Albright Memorial Library

Supporters of Camp Archbald (SoCA) is celebrating the 100th anniversary of Camp Archbald, the second oldest Girl Scout camp in continuous operation within the United States. To celebrate this anniversary, SoCA has put together a collection of Girl Scout and...
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