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Need a tutor? Get one for free with your library card!

Need a tutor? Get one for free with your library card!

November 3, 2020 is the #1 online resource for homework help, and it is completely FREE with your LCLS library card. provides free online sessions with real tutors in English, Social Studies, Math, and Science. The website is open to any student from elementary school to college and beyond.

Free services with your library card include:

Don’t have a library card yet? You can sign up for a card here. 


Hear from students to see what they have to say about

“This was the first time I was ever on! It was so helpful; I will always come back to this whenever I need it! Thank you!” – Local 8th grade student.

“I will continue to use this service. I am really happy I found it in the library website.” – Local college student

“For my first time using this, it was very easy to get used to working with.” – Local 10th grade student

You can try today by visiting