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Get Involved with the Library This Year!

Get Involved with the Library This Year!

January 2, 2017

A new-years-day-1595033_960_720new year is upon us which means that thousands of people will make resolutions to work out more, lose weight, find love and be the best version of themselves. Why not add the library to your list of goals or resolutions for 2017?

Here are just some of the ways you can incorporate the library into your life in 2017!

-Start a book challenge- vow to read a book a month, a certain number of books for the year, etc. Instead of purchasing books, get a library card and borrow them.
– Attend a book club discussion- read the chosen book and network with others about your thoughts on the book.
– Create a book club- create a book club with your closest friends and take turns hosting the book discussion with snacks.
– Attend a library program- each library within the Lackawanna County Library System has a multitude of programs for kids, teens and adults each month. Try a paper crafting program or learn an new language. The sky is the limit when you open yourself up to new adventures.
– Take out magazines, DVDs/ Blu Rays or audiobooks- the library is not only a mecca of books but you can find many other types of entertainment through magazines, and movies we have.
– Learn how to use your iPad or Kindle to read ebooks or get audiobooks.
– Become a Friend of the Abington Community Library and help plan community events that support the library.
-Start a study group- start a study group that meets weekly or monthly at the library.
This is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to get involved with the library in your community.
Are there other ways you’re involved in the library or you’d like to be? Let us know on our Facebook page or Twitter page!