Libraries Go to Curbside-Only Service
December 14, 2020
Regular Hours Will Be Observed
Starting today, the Albright Memorial Library, the Nancy Kay Holmes Branch Library, the Lackawanna County Children’s Library, and Taylor Community Library will offer curbside and remote services only.
The Lackawanna County Library System Bookmobile will be off the road.
These libraries join the Carbondale Public Library, North Pocono Public Library, Abington Community Library and the Valley Community Library in closing their buildings in support of the statewide effort to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.
The Dalton Community Library continued curbside-only service when other libraries reopened. That continues.
Library Express will be open to library patrons and customers for its bookstore. Only 10 people at a time will be allowed in the store and facemasks and social distancing are required.
To find libraries hours of operation, click the links above.