More Libraries Return to Curbside-Only Service
December 7, 2020
Order Online, Pickup Outside
With coronavirus cases on the increase and states across the country tightening restrictions on indoor activities, several Lackawanna County libraries have announced limits in their services.
After being closed all last week, the Carbondale Public Library will reopen today but for curbside-only service. This policy will remain in place for the foreseeable future, according to Library Director Maura Rottmund, “for the safety and protection of our staff and community.” Library hours will remain the same.
The North Pocono Public Library will also return to curbside-only service during regular hours until further notice. Patrons can stop by to pick up materials ordered online, get Take & Make Craft kits, return books and other material at the Book Drop, or use the Library’s free Wi-Fi in the parking lot. No password is required.
Last week, the Abington Community Library and the Valley Community Library initiated curbside-only service. Both libraries will keep their regular hours.
To find libraries hours of operation, click the links above.